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Welcome to our LT130 Assistive Technology Blog!

Welcome to our LT130 Assistive Technology Blog!  What is Assistive Technology? Assistive  (also called  adaptive )  technologies...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Featured Post Gadget

I added a featured post gadget at the top of our blog. I selected this gadget so that viewers wouldn't need to dig through older posts to find our introduction! Our first post gets right to the meat about what is Assistive Technology, and is a great place for all future viewers to begin.

Contact Form Gadget

I added a Contact Form Gadget to the blog. This is a helpful gadget that will allow viewers to ask questions and leave comments for us.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Image Gadget

I chose to add an image to our blog. I thought it gave a good idea of what is contained in our blog. I have always liked these pictures with many words in them and this one really stood out to me.
Image Gadget - Lower right
I was pining for our old campus library and thought I would pay tribute to it! I know some of you are out of state and probably have never stepped on our campus, so enjoy the image as I enjoy my memories there.  The current library you see on the main website, is lovely don't get me wrong, but I enjoyed and loved our old library! There was something about its vibes that was energizing and eerie. Now it just sits all alone...used as a storage unit. . . *sniff*...*sniff*. . .makes me so sad. I hope its put in good use one day. Since this is our last blog post, I chose a large image gadget so its beauty is savored.
Our class is coming to a close soon can you believe it!!! Thanks to all team leaders on this blog! You all were fab!!! Stay well and Auf Wiedersehen!

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Search Gadget

I just added a search bar gadget to the blog. This will be useful for identifying and viewing posts based on key words, like specific types of technology or different library elements.

Friday, May 8, 2020

New Gadget Added

I added the Configure Text Gadget as the Types of Listening Devices.
There are different types of listening devices available to people who are losing their hearing or to people who have some hearing loss. The National Association of the the Deaf explains the different type of Assistive Listening Systems (ALS) and Assistive Listening Devices (ALD), that are available to people. Some information is to help benefit many who use hearing aids or are cochlear implant users.

Gadget Addition

I added the translate gadget so people are able to easily translate the information from the blog to the language they are most comfortable with. There are 108 different languages that the blog can be translated to. I tried switching it to Danish, and the whole blog was immediately transformed. I had my husband who is from Denmark and speaks Danish, read it so I had a sense on the quality of the translation. He was impressed with the translation and was able to understand the information. I spent a lot of time looking for gadgets or widgets related to AT such as something to magnify the screen or text to speech, but was not able to locate any free gadget or widget options.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Assistive Technology and Libraries

Ever needed to use a ruler to stay focused while reading? Ever used a pencil grip while writing to alleviated cramping or soreness? What about propping up a book while you follow along hands-free? You’ve used assistive technology!

Assistive technology can meet a user at any level they need to make their media consumption easier.

Low Tech AT
High Tech AT
Post-It Notes
Standing Desks
Pencil Grips
Closed Captions CCTV
Braille Translating Software
Hearing Aids
Speech-to-Text Software

Libraries focus on finding ways to make patron experience, YOUR experience as easy as possible. Investments in technology and training of staff are integral to library missions. If you can't locate or are having issues using common materials, turn to your librarian! For the high-tech assistive technology, much of it may be stored away due to it's value. Items like speech-to-text microphones or hearing devices may be kept in other rooms so that library patrons have an easier time using the devices. Some software with zoom functions or screen-readers may be installed on only some computers.

Baden, Martha. “You Too!—Assistive Technology.” Library Journal, vol. 143, no. 19, Nov. 2018, p. 10. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=132987735&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Guder, Christopher S., and Char Booth. “Making the Right Decisions about Assistive Technology in Your Library.” Library Technology Reports, vol. 48, no. 7, Oct. 2012, pp. 14–21. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=83242901&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
“Understanding Assistive Technology Loan Libraries: Simply Said.” YouTube, uploaded by pacercenter, 12 Nov. 2010, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYvuS1L5Jbs.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Libraries and the Digital Divide

Apple releases new and “advanced” iPhones each September like clockwork. Samsung Galaxy releases several models of smart phones each year. Apple, Sony, Hewlett-Packer, Dell, ASUS, and others release competitive laptops annually. For individuals interested in computer gaming, there’s branded technology to help you build your own customizable computers. The amount of technology, seemingly available at our fingertips, can be overwhelming. These devices can handle a wide variety of activities, that we even need to research before buying to see if it’s best value for what we need it for. Marketing has us believe that everyone is keeping up with their tech advancements. While more places appear with free Wi-Fi, patrons still need to bring their own devices. Areas dedicated to the understanding and use of this technology are being left far behind. Libraries are tenets around educating and sharing in the information that technology can provide, but many of them are understaffed, under-qualified, or over budget to be able to keep up with one of the fastest growing industries in the world.
Public libraries have provided internet-access and technical training since the mid-1990s (Real, Brian, et al., 7). Libraries provide value to their communities by acting as a cultural and technological center for the community to gather, share ideas and concepts, and develop skill sets. Programs are created to help the community come together for children, teens, and adults to continue learning. When a library is unable to maintain with advancements, the services they can offer their community will fall short.
The shortcomings may occur for a few reasons:
  1. Lack of resources
  2. Lack of training
  3. Lack of infrastructure

*Note. All libraries face different struggles. The most common problem is lack of funding.

Lack of Resources
As first mentioned, the first thing that may come to mind is the technology itself. Purchasing a set of computers, DVD players, 3D printers, Artificial Intelligence, Phonetic Spelling Software, Screen-Magnification Software, Braille Embosser, and more can quickly overtake a budget. With tight constraints, librarians are forced to choose which technology is in higher demand for their location. Slimming these decisions to once or twice a year, it can take a library several years before it is able to catch up on technology. Library missions are often factored around accessibility of information, requiring assistive technology to be the more prominent choice when selecting a new large purchase. In a 2007 survey, a majority of librarians felt a lack of funds for new materials was a greater problem than low pay. (Flatley, Wyman)
Resources extend to availability of staff, too. Having the technology is great start, but without a trained staff ready and able to help patrons, it may end up a dust collector. Libraries struggle with being understaffed and under paid. However, states like Tennessee offered a limited degree program for rural librarians to get trained, “on strong technical competencies, service evaluation, grant writing, and other courses of particular relevance to the rural environment” (Real, Brian, et al., 13).

Lack of Training
Staff members already stretched thin on their duties, are the ones to introduce patrons to new technologies. Idaho was able to find a short-term solution to this problem by creating a program for digital literacy coaches out of high schoolers and college students. While this program is great for a college student home for the summer to introduce Grandpa Joe to Google, this program offers some roadblocks too. When staff are less engaged with the hands-on, it is hard to qualify the patron’s reception to the technology and monitor how the introduction is being made. For assistive technology in particular, it can be challenging to gauge if the tech bought is adding value and offering assistance the way patrons need it to.

Lack of Infrastructure
Not to be confused with the Highway Act of 1956, this infrastructure is referring to the digital highways that the internet takes us on for every search.

Chart taken from 2012 Public Library Funding and Technology Access Survey (PLFTAS),
The internet is the largest technological tool we have. Without the proper connections, many townships are being left behind simply because they cannot connect.
“By analyzing data from the 2012 Public Library Funding and Technology Access Survey (PLFTAS), rural libraries, on average, have weaker technological infrastructure (such as fewer average numbers of computers and slower broadband connections) and are able to offer fewer support services, such as training classes, than urban and suburban public libraries. . . This disparity is due in large part to the greater difficulty and cost of creating the infrastructure to support broadband Internet access in more sparsely populated areas. With broadband access provided primarily by for-profit companies, little profit motive exists to expand services to areas where the infrastructure cost would not allow for a quick and efficient recouping of costs” (Real, Brian, et al., 2).
The U.S. Government has implemented a $7.2 billion broadband improvement grant to help close this gap, as well as offer loans to libraries in need. These steps taken by state and federal government to remove the stress (of training, of purchasing, of staffing) are all steps in the right direction. Technology inclusion and education for all patrons is a right, it is a matter of bridging the gap between libraries who have and libraries in need.

Real, Brian, et al. “Rural Public Libraries and Digital Inclusion: Issues and Challenges.” Information Technology & Libraries, vol. 33, no. 1, Mar. 2014, pp. 6–24. EBSCOhost, doi:10.6017/ital.v33i1.5141.
Admin. “U.S. Public Library Internet Connectivity.” Tools, Publications & Resources, 18 July 2017, www.ala.org/tools/research/initiatives/plftas/previousstudies/0809/connectivity09.
Flatley, Robert & Wyman, Andrea. (2009). Changes in Rural Libraries and Librarianship: A Comparative Survey. Public Library Quarterly. 28. 24-39. 10.1080/01616840802675283.
Ahill. “Assistive Technology: What You Need to Know Library.” Association of Specialized, Government & Cooperative Library Agencies (ASGCLA), 5 Sept. 2019, www.ala.org/asgcla/resources/tipsheets/assistive-technologies.
Idaho Department of Labor, and About Idaho Department of Labor. “Idaho Youth Find Work Experience as Digital Literacy Coaches and in Summer Jobs.” Idaho@Work, 9 Mar. 2012, idahoatwork.com/2012/03/09/idaho-youth-find-experience-as-digital-literacy-coaches-and-in-summer-jobs/.