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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Google Books

The Library Project makes it possible for users to search on Google through millions of books written in many different languages, including books that are rare, out of print, or generally unavailable outside of the library system. 

If a book from the Library Project is determined to be in the public domain, Google will scan it so users are able to read the entire book. If a book is not available in the public domain, users can still search through the text of the book. Google Books will only display a few blurbs of text to show you where your search term was found in the book. Sometimes rights-holders of in-copyright books give Google permission to show more than a few blurbs. Depending on what the rights-holder allows, the user may receive access to a certain number of pages, or sometimes, the entire book. Source

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Explore some of Google's accessibility features and products. 

Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities
To further our commitment to accessibility, we have launched a global initiative called Google Impact Challenge: Disabilities. The program advances ideas and emerging technologies that increase independence and opportunity for people with disabilities. Learn more about the Google Impact Challenge for Disabilities >

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